I've been invited to accompany the AP's on three occasions -- once this week -- to help with a new investigator discussion. These have all been very enjoyable. The discussion this week was with 'Audrey', a lady that the AP's met on the street. She says that she has been actively looking for a church and has gone to many. When she met the Elders, she was excited to hear their message. She seems very interested and excited for another teaching moment.
Friday, I helped a man, who had been in the FHC a few times, with some scans of microfiche records. We chatted a bit as we did the scans, he paid for them and left. I grabbed my lunch and went to the lunch room and found him there organizing his papers. As I ate, I began a conversation with him and he started asking me questions and commenting about the church. He noted that he had observed some missionaries and wondered if we had a training program to teach 'courtesy', 'manners' and 'good behavior.' He has a high regard for 'Mormons' and asked me if there were any Mormon 'convicts' and seemed surprised when I told him yes, there probably are. He was astonished when I told him we were here at our own expense. He knew that families are important and seemed to want to know 'more'. So, I told him about the restoration and modern day prophets. He was very receptive. I told him about conference and invited him to come see our prophet next week. He said he just might do that. I know that he will be back in the FHC if not to conference.
Great spirit as always in the Lea Valley ward today -- fast day. A new convert was confirmed and the testimonies were sweet as usual. One of our YM, a teacher, bore his testimony.
Best wishes to all,
Elder Watts
Nothing quite lifts the spirit like missionaries telling their stories. Thanks, Charmaine
I agree with Charmaine! Thanks for sharing. The kids love hearing your stories and pray for you everyday. They always bless you in their prayers that you will "baptize many" and I have tried to tell them that you are not there exactly to do that but it doesn't matter to them and the prayers continue!
So cool Dad. I'm glad you are getting these experiences.
Hi Elder and Sister Watts!
We tried to e-mail you and it came back--do you have a new e-mail address? We hope to be in London on Monday, May 11th and want to take you to dinner. Please contact us at:
May God bless you,
Linda and John Hoffman
My kids "eat like convicts"...does that count?
Dad, thanks for the fun stories. They are so great to read.
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