Sunday, April 12, 2009

Finding My Past

The Family History Center was closed for Good Friday and we had a scheduled P-Day on Saturday. So, with the approval of our Mission President we took an overnight trip to explore HADSPEN, the birth place of my great grandmother, Ellen (Eleanor) Hill. Hadspen is a Hamlet, which is considered a small village of 5-6 buildings and families. Hadspen is very much the same as it was in the mid-ninteenth century when Ellen and her family lived there.
Here are some pictures of Haspen with homes that were built in the 1700's. I have not been able to find which one might have been my ancestors, but for sure it was one of them. We talked to some of the residents, who were very friendly and hospitable. We also went to the Parish church that was there in the same era (above left). Some of the family died in Hadspen, so we looked through the graveyard for any 'Hill' names but couldn't find any.

We stayed at the Greystones House, which is a Bed&Breakfast just outside of Castle Cary. This home was built in the early 1800's with subsequent additions. It is beautiful, our room was a delight and we were treated to a 'full English' breakfast, which means, sausage, eggs, bacon (ham to most), a rather large mushroom, stewed tomatoes, toast and local honey or preserves, juice and museli (cereal).
Check the link at the right [Hadspen] for more pictures.
More later..... Elder Watts


Jane said...

So cool Dad. I'm so happy that you were able to find so many ancestors and to see where they lived, amazing! Can't wait to hear more about the trip. Love you.

Julie Freeman said...

Thanks for sharing the pictures - I love seeing where you are even if it is on blogger. I wish it was in person!!! Love you!

Charmaine Anderson said...

We spent 18 days in England about 30 years ago, staying in Bed and Breakfast rooms . The grilled tomatoes or stewed tomatoes were always a part of the menu. (Not for Mike) It is good you are having some exploration time, especially to a family hamlet. We were there this time of year and the daffodils were bloomed across the hills. It was beautiful.

Barry Watts said...

Wow! How wonderful that you could go there. Thanks for the beautiful pictures. I told the kids to imagine their GGG-Grandmother as a little girl playing in those fields and walking those streets. Their eyes got wide.