When we arrived in London seven months ago, we were greeted at the door of our flat by Don and Claudia Innskeep. They had stocked our cupboards with food, filled a vase with fresh flowers and hung cute towels in our kitchen. Don took us to pay our council taxes, obtain our freedom passes and showed us how to get around on the London double decker buses. We have enjoyed many fun times with them at work and at play. One simple pleasure he taught us was to climb the steps of a bus to the top deck and ride around the city and see the sites. We have done this many times. Sunday night, the Innskeeps traveled home from church on the top deck. When they neared their stop, Don started down the steps when the bus jerked sending Don flying head first, down the steps. When Claudia reached him, she saw that his ear was nearly severed and he was bleeding profusely. An ambulance was called and he was taken to the hospital. Claudia called Jim and and asked that he and another elder give him a Priesthood blessing before a plastic surgeon sewed him back together.
He is home today - recovering. We will all hold on a little tighter when we ride the bus - and forget the top deck.
He is home today - recovering. We will all hold on a little tighter when we ride the bus - and forget the top deck.
Make sure to not use the top deck and you guys be careful!! I hope they are ok!
Caden had a similar, although single story, bus experience riding to school one day. He was standing in the isle, which was against the rules, and to teach him a lesson (nice bus driver) the driver slammed on his brakes and sent Caden flying. He split open his head and we took him to the doctor for stitches.
I hope Bro. Innskeep is doing better.
We didn't know about Caden's accident. We felt sad to hear about it. I want to punch the bus driver. How is Caden?
Brother Innskeep got his stitches out and the "turban" removed and his ear is going to look OK.
Riding the top level of the bus is just too much fun to give up. When Jill and I were there, we came to the end of the line and Jill and I were just sitting there. The driver came up shouting "wakey, wakey, end of the line" I'll never forget that. It was so funny.
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