Sunday, October 12, 2008

London - an amazing place

We are enjoying our work at the London Family History Center. The people we serve with are saints and we are learning to love them. They are our family away from home and the family we love and miss. We have family home evening together twice a month and we are planning some fun things for the holidays so we don't get too home sick. I don't think it will work entirely, but it will help.
Many of our patrons come every week and don't need help except for me to get them a film or scan them a copy. When someone asks me something I don't know (every day) I find someone to help them and try to learn.
We are exploring London every chance we get and finding some amazing places to enjoy. Yesterday, we went to the Guildhall, a fascinating and beautiful place which houses a library and an art museum. It was built over an old Roman coliseum and some of the old walls are preserved. We saw women dressed in Elizabethian dress of the 1570's, Walked the London Bridge, Tower Bridge, visited the financial district where 350,000 people work, and only 5,000 live. Places like Lloyds of London, bank of London etc. etc. View the link of pictures if you would like.
We went to our new ward today after traveling 1 hour and 15 minutes by bus, tube and walking. We will have to work hard to learn the names of these faithful saints from many parts of the world. There are very few white members and we are looking forward to getting to know and love them.


Jane said...

Oh I love Europe. Just seeing those pictures makes me want to come visit so badly. I just love the history and uniqueness. So different than here. I'm so happy you guys are getting these amazing experience. It's like a trip of a lifetime! Love you.

Charmaine Anderson said...

Over 20 years ago Mike and I spent 17 days in England. We have always wanted to go back. It was like a fairyland to us. It would be awesome to be able to be there and poke through all those historic places and work for the Lord at the same time.