One of the hard things about being in London is missing important birthdays like Caitlin's 18th.
We love you, Caitlin.
This has been a good week at the FHC! Lots of patrons .... about 1,200+ per month and most are non-members. We have perhaps the 'best-there-is' set of Caribbean records (and Jamaica in particular) as well Irish records that people from Dublin come to see. We have 25 computers, 25 microfilm readers and 3 microfiche viewrs. Patrons are from all over. We've had visitors from the US, Australia, New Zealand, India, and... lots of course from England, which is our specialty. I'm still trying to learn something new every day.
One of our missionaries, Elder Snow had to go to the emergency room and is still in the hospital and may need surgery. We are all praying for his recovery. They are scheduled to go home in December and we hope he will be able to return to work for the last few weeks of their mission.
We spoke in church today and I think it went OK. We also were given church callings. I am going to teach Gospel Doctrine. I know - don't faint. I almost did. Jim will be working with the Young Men which is the job he loves. They combine all the YM because there are so few. We travel to church in one hour and 15 minutes on two different tube lines and 1 bus ride. At every tube stop the 'voice' says "mind the gap!" (see picture) Our ward is the Lea Valley Ward, and I know we will learn to love these people. They have been very warm in their welcome to us.
Mom and Dad - so excited for your callings. Mom you will be an awesome gospel doctrine teacher. I think the people will love your humble sweet simple testimony of the gospel. Your spirit is so sweet and sincere, and they will love whatever you teach them. Dad I'm sure you will love working with the YM. We love your mission and miss you a ton! Love you!
Teaching Gospel Doctrine was the joy of my life. I learned the gospel so well during that time and still cherish the spiritual experiences I had then. You will be great Barbara. I like the way you linked your Picasa albums. I didn't know you could do that...nice to know for my blog.
I remember that "mind the gap". The first time I heard I almost fell in it trying to figure out what he'd said.
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