Well... here's Elder & Sister Watts at the MTC pointing at 'our' island. It may not be tropical and in the Pacific, but it is rainy with balmy breezes. We started our day with England-like rain and, tho you can't see it, my suit is soaked.
We also had one more send-off from the 'Going-away Gang'

What a great sendoff...that is a ton of kids! Barry and Nannette, I can't believe you survived the night. Mom and Dad, you're in for such a wonderful time. We miss you and pray for always! Love you, Rich
So excited for you guys. We won't even mention that I have been a basket case that you are gone. I'm so happy for your calls and it is so fun to see pictures of where you are and what you are doing. I really want to come to the airport. Do you know what time you leave?
Just want to say thanks to Barry and Nannette and all the kids who came for another goodbye. I love the picture and thanks to Barry for running down the hall just as we were about to disappear into our first meeting to take the famous picture pointing to where we will serve. Sorry to Aubrey, we almost hid your beautiful face.
Love you all, G@G
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