This weekend marked the beginning of the Premier League football season. Twenty teams with players averaging £1.1m in annual salary (that's £21,000 per week) begin their competition ending next May with the champion taking home, besides a solid silver trophy, over £15m. The team picked to win is Chelsea with Manchester United (winners last year) and Liverpool close behind. Lots of U.S. ownership in these teams. 'Football' is a front page topic all season and we hear about it from our patrons in the FHC as well.

Here's Elder Watts on a recent P-day outing warming up for the season with one of the local stars. We had a little trouble keeping the fans off the 'pitch'. I was asked to play for the Tottenham Hotspurs, but I had to decline due to my prior commitments to the team at the London Family History Centre.
Best wishes,
Elder Watts
Oh my heck! You guys talk like Londoners, look like Londoners, and now you are playing for them!?! We are never going to get you back! Love the hat Dad!
cute dad. love the hat. I just love that you are getting into London culture. Such a cool experience.
my gosh, I thot I was looking at Fred Astair for a minute there.
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