Tomorrow we will have a new Mission President. President Renn Patch and his wife Deanne will replace President Clayton Foulger and his wife Marla. We have developed a great love and respect for President Foulger and his wife. They will be sorely missed.
We ('we' meaning the Family History Centre staff) were discussing over dinner two weeks ago what we might give to President and Sister Foulger as a going-away present. After much discussion, Sister Watts said, "Why don't we do their family
history." It was an 'epiphany' (see the spot on definition below) moment and particularly celebratory coming from Sister Watts, who is occasionally less than enthusiastic about family history. We all took a piece of the pie to create a set of records for each of President and Sister Foulger's family line. We searched and gathered copies of censuses, overland trail records, immigration records and stories of ancestors, until we had a 'volume' (picture at left) to present to each of them along with electronic copies of all the documents on a USB memory stick.

President and Sister Foulger were thrilled, bothered somewhat by something wet in their eyes.
epiphany -a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, or commonplace occurrence or experience.
Oh.... by the way - the research revealed that Sister Watts is related to President Foulger!
How's that for ironic.
What a great idea Mom. I'm sure that they loved it and I can't wait for you to meet your new mission presidents. Love you guys!
I am pretty sure epiphany was the word of the week on our fridge growing up. You should have more faith in us!
great story!
Such a great gift. How amazing! I forgot that was happening this week so good luck with that. Can't wait to hear all about it. Miss you
Wow, what a great idea. And I thought the USB stick was a nice touch. You're getting to be quite the experts if you can do all that in such a short time.
I'm sure you'll love your new president just as much.
Love you!
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