Recently, the Whitechapel Ward in our Hyde Park Stake was asked to vacate the rented school building in which they have been meeting for several years. A month ago they started meeting in our building after our block. Last Sunday, Jim had a meeting after church, and I waited for him in the foyer. Our friends, the Scotts, attend the Whitechapel ward, and Kella plays the piano for them. I could hear the Sacrament song being played when the door flew open and their Relief Society president ran out and said, "I forgot the bread, we have no bread!" I felt her panic, but didn't know how to help. We looked in the kitchen, searching for something. When we went back to the foyer, a man came in the front door with something wrapped in foil in his hands and they went back to Sacrament meeting.
Monday morning I asked Kella what happened. She said they sang all of the verses twice and then they asked her to keep playing. Finally the Sacrament was served. "Cake! We had cake, she said." Our discussion led to D&C 27:2, "it mattereth not what ye shall eat." We had quite a laugh thinking about the different options, but concluded that when Elder Inskeep said, "I guess you could even have pickles" that that was going too far. Sister Watts
That is too funny!
That is hilarious~! I'm so glad you guys are having some fun mission memories and recording them for us to read. Love you!
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