Sunday, January 04, 2009

Canterbury Tales...

We feel challenged in our Family History assignment and in our Lea Valley Ward assignments, but the truth is that we are truly blessed in our mission calling. We work with three other senior couples who are fast becoming dear friends. Also, due to the nature of the FHC operation, we had a mission vacation, so to speak, with some days off for the FHC holiday closing schedule.

We took advantage of this time to spend a few days with Jane and Jake, who were able to visit for Christmas. It was a delight to be with them and along with our Bell-playing and other Christmas involvement with our senior missionary friends and our kind FHC patrons made being away for Christmas a little less sad. We spent several hours at President Foulgers, along with Jane and Jake, on Christmas morning for a Christmas "brunch."

With Jane we visited St. Paul's Cathedral, the British Library, Westminster Abbey, the British Museum. Sister Watts and Jane went to the National Gallery as well. If you have an interest there's a brief report on some of this at

Jane left on Monday the 29th and we worked at the FHC through to New Year's eve, but closed early. Went to dinner with the Senior's (couples and two sisters) and celebrated quietly.

On Thursday we went to Canterbury with the Inskeeps and the Scotts. It's about a two hour train ride and was delightful. Canterbury is steeped in history..... Thomas Beckett, Chaucer, Roman Settlement, St. Augustine, King Aethelbert and Bertha. Check the link for pictures. We spent two nights and thoroughly enjoyed the visit.

Back to Lea Valley today and a great day in our ward meetings. Sister Watts gave a terrific Gospel Doctrine lesson to start the year on the Doctrine and Covenants and Church History. Tomorrow it's back to the Family History Centre.

We wish you all a very Happy New Year! Elder & Sister Watts


auntie libby said...

Merry Christmas to Elder and Sister Watts! May you continue to be blessed in the New Year.

ps love reading your blog and learning about your adventure. keep it up.

libby hansen and the rest of the gang in farmington

Jane said...

I'm so glad you guys had fun. I just read your web page dad. Such fun details! I'm wishing i was still there.

Julie Freeman said...

Love to hear all about what you guys are doing. I'm so glad you had some time for a little R&R. You guys deserve it, you work hard. Love you and miss you!

Charmaine Anderson said...

What a fun mission! Thanks for your pictures and updates. It is exciting to think of the possibilities for our future.