The Hyde Park Chapel is, in every way, a shared facility. Besides three wards, the building is used for: the England London Mission Offices, Stake Offices, Employment Center, YSA Outreach Program and the London Family History Centre. For many years the Family History Centre has put up a temporary vinyl banner sign each day to 'advertise' its existence. The existing vinyl banner had become worn and looked more like a swap meet sale sign than a sign meeting the usual high standards of the Church.

Our FHC Director asked me to arrange for a replacement banner. After some investigation, I suggested a thin, solid panel sign that would look a bit more upscale and last longer even though it would be a bit more expensive. She agreed and off I went to do a bit of engineering complete with a few drawings, a simple design for mounting and the new sign is now in place. It's lightweight and easy to hang and remove each day.
We often have patrons who say, "I saw your sign and came to investigate.
" Not rocket science, but fun nevertheless to do a little Missionary Engineering.
Elder Watts